Multi Octopus Marketing V2 reference

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Multi Octopus Marketing V2 Audit

Marketing Audit

Perform your complete marketing diagnosis to increase your impact

Notre accompagnement collaboratif

  • Diagnostic : une analyse complète de votre stratégie, de vos outils et de vos actions marketing et commerciales, en ligne et en direct
  • Plan d’action : une recommandation pour vous aider à revoir votre stratégie et vos priorités marketing
  • Echanges: des entretiens avec vous, vos équipes, vos clients et partenaires pour croiser les perceptions
  • Livrables : un diagnostic argumenté de votre marketing et de votre communication, avec une proposition de plan d’action adaptée à votre contexte

Travailler avec Octopus Marketing, c'est:

  • Une expérience de tous types d’entreprises, en BtoB et en BtoC,  (professions libérables, commerce de détail, eCommerce, services à la personne, bâtiment, architecture, high tech, tourisme)
  • La recherche d’actions pragmatiques et actionables pour optimisation vos ressources
  • Le pilotage de la création et de la refonte de sites web vitrine et eCommerce
  • Des campagnes marketing et communication qui combinent le digital et le physique
  • La coordination des prestataires que vous aurez choisis

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Octopus Marketing Coaching

Marketing coaching

Level up your marketing with our experts

Our collaborative method

  • Diagnosis : a first session dedicated to define your objectives and understand your actual needs
  • Action plan : a structured setup of marketing tactics and corresponding metrics, with a a constant follow up of achievements
  • Collaboration: weekly or bi-weekly working sessions to ensure reach your objectives, with achievable results
  • Deliverables : a summary of each session to keep track of the decisions made, a planning tool to manage priorities, a co-developed marketing plan to help you budget your activities

The Octo+

  • Experience in BtoB and BtoC,  (law firms, retail, eCommerce, personal services, architecture and construction, high tech, travel)
  • Search for resources optimization for a pragmatic multi-channel setup
  • Management of creation and review of websites and eCommerce sites
  • 20 years of marketing and communication campaigns combining PR, events, direct and online marketing
  • Contractors coordination

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Coaching marketing

Multi Octopus Marketing V2 Messages

Messaging and positioning

Increase your attractivity by articulating clearly your company purpose, values and positioning

Our collaborative method

  • Diagnosis : the analysis fo your communication tools and your current positioning based on your objectivesand target audience, with a first recommendation
  • Action plan : an iterative and structured process based on Design thinking methodologies, to leverage the power of collective work
  • Collaboration: workshops with you and your stakeholders , on site or online, with systematic email and phone feedback
  • Deliverables : a communication reference book including your purpose, mission and values with corresponding means to achieve them, a positioning platform with your value proposition, unique selling points and keywords

The Octo+

  • Experience in BtoB and BtoC,  (law firms, retail, eCommerce, personal services, architecture and construction, high tech, travel)
  • Facilitation for companies in defining their purpose, mission, values and messaging platforms 
  • Management of content creation and review of websites and eCommerce sites as well as marketing campaigns
  • 20 years of marketing and communication campaigns combining PR, events, direct and online marketing
  • Contractors coordination

Empower your messages now

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Multi Octopus Marketing V2 Digital

Digital marketing performance

Improve your digital footprint 

Our collaborative method

  • Diagnosis : a synthetic view of the impact of your current online tools combined with immediate improvement suggestions
  • Action plan : your digital strategy and priority tactics based on your achievable objectives, your target customers and available resources
  • Collaboration: workshops with you and your team, on site or online, with a phone and email follow up
  • Deliverables : a content strategy complete with a structure proposal and copywriting for your website. We can also search, brief and manage the required contractors for you

The Octo+

  • Experience in BtoB and BtoC,  (law firms, retail, eCommerce, personal services, architecture and construction, high tech, travel)
  • Search for resources optimization for a pragmatic multi-channel setup
  • Management of creation and review of websites and eCommerce sites
  • 20 years of marketing and communication campaigns combining PR, events, direct and online marketing
  • Contractors coordination

Let's talk about your project

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